Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Night of Delirium

Banged glasses on a mess table
As if my life depended on it

Clapped in unison
Till decibel levels lost all meaning

Screamed shrieked and swore
And I speak now in but a croak

Wept unashamedly
Till a hundred bear hugs wiped the tears away


Danced in the streets
Till my knees wore numb, feet blistered

Blew a Vuvuzela
Not just discordant notes, but played the national anthem and did a bloody good job of it

Sat on top of a car
And felt on top of the world

Copped one in my behind
From a real lathi-wielding cop, no less


Kept the adrenalin pumping
From dusk till the wee hours of dawn

Bled, sweated, in BLUE

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