Thursday, May 13, 2010


Howdy all!!! This is my first attempt at blogging so excuse me if I sound boring at first. I will take some time to get into the groove and keep you entertained; besides I’m not even sure how much time I’m going to be able to find to keep up this blog. For all you know, this may well be my last!

The first time I put up a USA trip-related status message, I got about 10 people pinging me to ask if I have cracked an intern here. I have not. This is merely a family trip, and I am accompanied by my parents and younger sister. As a result, you may find that this is a story of an aimless traveller tagging along with his family. Imagine going to Las Vegas and having your hands, legs, eyeballs and libido put on a tight leash by the presence of your family. I haven’t reached there yet, but will in a week’s time or so, and I’m quite sure it’s not going to be as enjoyable as initially imagined.

I will be trying my best not to make this a mere documentation of my travels; I’m sure nobody wants to read an information brochure on all the places we’ll be visiting – Wikipedia is more than enough for that. I hope to talk about stuff in a lighter vein.

There are two major downsides to our month-long trip here. The first is that I have been unable to apply for any internship as nobody offers one for just 5 weeks or so. The second, and the far more grave issue at that, is that I have been absolutely cut-off from what’s been happening at the World T20 in the Caribbean. All these stupid Americans care about is their baseball season; most of the sports pages in all newspapers are devoted entirely to how closely the Yankees lost to the Tigers, with the remainder of them covering basketball and a single column Tiger Woods. That’s it. It’s as if they couldn’t care less about what the rest of the world is up to; almost as if the rest of the world doesn’t even exist.

In retrospect, though, considering India’s pathetic showing at the World Cup, it’s just as well I did not get to see it. In any case, the real deal starts on June 11.

As a statutory warning, I must say I am liable to slip in gross and obscene information or opinions provided I am able to continue blogging. I will, of course, forewarn readers as and when aforesaid objectionable material comes along, so that you may back off if needed.

Our trip started 6 days ago, but today is the first time I got a decent amount of time to sit and type. So obviously the blog’s calendar will be running 6 days behind schedule. I hope to find lots of time tomorrow to keep abreast of my real schedule, so you may expect to read a couple of blog posts tomorrow, if you’re interested in reading, of course.

So till then, adios amigos!!!

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